Querying from the client
Server components

Server Components

When using React server components, Fuse skips the intermediate step of reaching out to an API endpoint and instead executes the GraphQL directly in the server component renderer:

import { graphql } from '@/fuse'
import { execute } from '@/fuse/server'
const UserQuery = graphql(`
  query User($id: ID!) {
    user(id: $id) {
export default async function Page() {
  const result = await execute({ query: UserQuery, variables: { id: '1' } })

This is the base way to query your components through server-components, you can now pass on the data to child components.

Server actions

We can also invoke mutations as part of a server-action (opens in a new tab) This requires us to create a new file, for example in this example we'll call a mutation with a name argument that returns us Hello ${}.

We create actions/hello.ts and give it the content of

'use server'
import { graphql } from '@/fuse'
import { execute } from '@/fuse/server'
import { redirect } from 'next/navigation'
const SayHello = graphql(`
  mutation Hello($name: String!) {
    sayHello(name: $name)
export async function sayHello(args: { name: string }) {
  const result = await execute({ query: SayHello, variables: { name: } })
  // After completing our mutation we perform a redirect

We can use this on the client by doing

import { sayHello } from './actions/sayHello'
const Component = ({ name }) => {
  const sayHelloFuse = sayHello.bind(undefined, { name: name || 'fuse' })
  return (
    <form action={sayHelloFuse}>
      <button type='submit'>Say hello and redirect to /</button>